Greetings Delaware Music Educators,
Just when you find a slight reprise from the start of the school year, holiday concert season creeps up in full swing. Along with a rigorous fall start, we are in the midst of appropriations season for Fiscal Year 2024. FEDERAL September through October was quite dramatic in the house with no speaker. There was even the potential of a government shutdown. Although having no speaker proved to be a saving grace for education, especially arts education, on October 25th, the house selected their 56th speaker Rep. Mike Johnson (LA). With less than a month to negotiate FY2024 spending package and NEA expiration date quickly approaching, arts advocates nationwide were able to rally together and get the House to agree upon Short-Term funding until February 2, 2024, this came only 2 days before ALL funding for federal agencies were set to expire. Funding, in general, for the Department of Education Budget is facing a 28% cut! Here are some major programs, that are essential to music education, facing hardship during these Fiscal Year 2024 budget negotiations: National Endowment for the Arts - NEA
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Go here,, to send a message to our DE Representatives and advocate for their support in music education. Arts Education for All Act -
STATE Delaware Arts Alliance - DAA
LOCAL This section is meant to highlight you and all the incredible things you do for music education. Reach out to your county representative and share your success stories, upcoming concert dates, school/district board meetings, and even any concerns you may have regarding music education. We are here to support each other. When we know better, we do better. RESOURCES NAfME SEL Brochure for Music Education NAfME Civic Action Field Guide Remember, our greatest resource is each other, Anna Ramon DMEA Advocacy Chair [email protected]
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AuthorAnna Ramon |